I'm already learning tons, can't wait to apply it to my work and begin the process of revision.
Weather is nice. but dry dry dry. I hope the life is not evaporating out of me!! and I'm drinking so much water that I feel like I am spending most of my time in the bathroom... yeah... too much information :-)
It's so hard to plan your liquids in an unfamiliar environment. *giggle*
LOVE the new About Me pic, btw.
Keep drinking and hold it in longer. Advice I got from one cool thirty-something African-American female urologist (U of Penn med school grad). Among the top ten or so tips for living well that I have been collecting.
Awesome!! Live it up baby!! Live your dreams!! And fight for them, with them, and against them every step of the way. That's what it's all about. (Meanwhile I'm studying for the GRE, blah.)
GRE. yikes. I think that's what I'm doing next.... just in case there is an MFA in my future.
Can't wait to hear all about your trip. I just returned from Vegas (you want HOT - Oh baby!) and leaving for Florida, Orlando for the kids, Key Largo for me, on Tuesday, back August 4th. I will drag you to dinner in August to hear all the details about Taos. Take care and safe travel home'!
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