Saturday, May 19, 2007

I can't believe I ate the whole thing

Yesterday marked a huge milestone for me. I managed to cobble together all my various and asundry essays and stories into a FIRST DRAFT. And, I managed to get it all printed (167 pages) copied-- double sided and three hole punched-- and mailed out to the participants for the master class at the Taos Writers Conference this July.
As I stood there at Kinkos watching the copy machine spit out pages of my manuscript I cried. I don't know why. It's happy tears, sad tears, woulda shoulda coulda tears, if only I had another day tears, am I ready to move into the revision stage tears.... how will my manuscript stack up next to everyone else's tears. And now what am I gonna do tears.

In fact, this last month has been so hectic and insane I feel like I'm coming down from a big high. I managed to get two scholarship applications (May 1st deadline and May 15th deadline) done (for the Taos workshop) and submitted my audio audition for the public radio talent quest (May 14th deadline) and finally the whole draft of my manuscript submitted for workshop, deadline May 18th.

So now what? Well, I still have my local read and critique group. I have two chapters that I sort of just put placeholders in for the "whole draft" so I can write those.... and I'm working on some more audio stuff. And I have 8 books to read between now and July 7.... the manuscripts from my fellow workshop attendees AND the two books Greg Martin has assigned: Pharaoh's Army by Tobias Wolf and Fierce Attachments by Vivian Gornick.

and maybe I'll just go back to sleep....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoo-hoo! Congrats. I hereby wish you some sleep. :)