Thursday, December 06, 2007

Happy Chrismukkah Every One

My friend Tamar posted a great primer on Hanukkah, the festival of lights, over on her blog. I met Tamar in New York this past March when I went to the BlogHer conference.

You ever meet someone with whom you find a connection even though you live entirely different lives? Tamar was one of those people. One of the most fascinating things, for me, is the fact that she lives half the year in Israel... one thing that impresses me in reading her blog is how important her faith is to her, how it is interwoven into her life and not in an in-your-face kind of way. She is not a torah-thumper, but rather she just shares bits of her life and her faith happens to be a part of it. (most of my friends are heathens like me)

Anyway, if you've ever wondered about Hanukkah, read her post. Let's join her in eating "...oil-rich foods featuring potato pancakes and Hanukkah donuts called sufganiyot ....commemorating the miracle of the oil that burned for eight days."

And most importantly, let's all join her in "remembering all those children everywhere who desperately need light to shine on them" this holiday season.


Anonymous said...

Happy Chrismukkah right back at'cha!

Ho ho ho, and I am not calling you names. :)

Tamar Orvell said...

Thank you, o' heathen sister! You bring blush to my cheeks;-) I love your signature imaginative term — torah-thumping. I didn't think our worlds, really our sensibilities, are all that disparate. OK, you live on the West Coast, you dare to read your blog out loud, you compete for really cool gigs, you contribute to multiple blogs, you lived in Chicago, and you have two kitties (versus my one)!