Monday, January 21, 2008

Its not Easy being Green er, uh, Blue

Maybe not really blue, but definitely out of sorts. Is it winter? the holidays? Or one more step in the grieving process... post holiday blahs? post vacation (I have a boring life) blues?

We are almost done closing up my Dad's estate. For our trip to Hawaii, Debby and I were able to use my Dad's US Air air miles for a free trip (did YOU know you can inherit miles?). When we got home the lawyer told us that the IRS is going to forgive the penalties and interest they wanted to extract from us. So that's good news, right?

Somehow it makes my Dad's death all the more real. Finalizing makes things, well, final.

It is time to move on, I feel it. And even though in some ways having all this paperwork pending keeps me closer to my Dad, I know it's closer in a thoroughly unhealthy way. I'm just not entirely sure how to push through. I have projects of my own I am not working on. Writing I am not doing. So if anyone has any tips, or recommendations for a good therapist, let me know. :-)

1 comment:

Joe Crawford said...

Interesting insight -- about the paperwork keeping your father in mind. I wonder if it being involuntary is easier, or harder than choosing to keep him in mind.

Also, I have a therapist recommend in your area if that was a serious comment.

Be well, stay dry!