Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We're Getting Down the the WIRE here...

The Holy Blazing Laptops Write-A-Thon
There's still time to sponsor me!
And make sure I get one of the cool shirts I designed!

Pictured left here is the extra-ordinarily talented Ms. Judy Reeves. She's not only my writing coach/mentor, she is the executive director of San Diego Writers, Ink.

UPDATE: some of you have already donated... you'll be getting a full report and an official thank you after the event.

I'm a little shy of my $500 goal, so if you have not yet donated, do feel free to click!


Joe Crawford said...

Jenn! I gave some money but I didn't pledge by the hour, or did I? If I did I didn't mean to!!!

Signed, confused in Moorpark :-)

JeSais said...

Hi Confused,

No it was not an hourly amount!
It is however a little confusing the way things were worded. sorry about that and THANKS for your support!!

Eebie said...

Very exciting stuff!! Glad you going for it!!

The money is sent through PayPal as I said in the email. Do double check that it comes to your org. PayPal screwed things up on my end, I will probably never use them again.