Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Twofer Tuesday

A follow up to Monday's post about the passport, and today's second post. This Twofer Tuesday may be another new feature of my blog.
Or not.
We'll see.

Anyway, I let my passport lapse. I had kept an up-to-date passport for many years. And I used it. But the last few years I have not done much travel. In fact, I think the last time I left the country with my passport was 1993 when I went to Argentina as part of a Group Study Exchange Program sponsored by Rotary International. (That's where I met Martjavascript:void(0)
Publish Postin aka Eebie

Anyway, my passport expired and I had no travel plans, so I didn't bother updating it.

However, since new law sort of went into effect regarding travel to Mexico I realized I couldn't even leave to head down to Rosarito for Lobster lunch!

So last Saturday I went down to the post office (I had to have an appointment) and applied for my passport. For details on how to apply for a passport, or to find a post office or other facility near you, check out the Passport office online.

And even though the passport office says it will take 4-6 weeks to process, I got mine in 9 days. And I didn't expedite it!

So, I can only conclude that They want me outta here! or the post office guy likes me (he is kinda cute, I think I may have some more packages to mail)

.... what would you do? book a flight outta here? or go mail a package?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was also handy information I needed! We're thinking of an Alaska cruise this spring/summer and I may have to depart from Seattle instead of Vancouver - especially since the kids have never had a passport!